Tuesday 26 March 2013

Madeon Research

- French
- 18 Years Old
- House Music
- French People
- No particular gender targeted through his music
- DJs, community of people that do what he does
- Not a professional artist when he made the song
- 160,000 followers on twitter
- 300,000 on Facebook
- 418,000 followers on SoundCloud
- Online based audience
- Fans can collaborate with each other and the artists
- Marketed through YouTube, Sound Cloud, Facebook and Twitter
- Madeon fans are "Prosumers"

Monday 18 March 2013

Production, Marketing, Distribution

- Creation of the media product
- Includes Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production processes
- Finance is necessary for the production of any product

- Record labels are responsible for prints and marketing
- Prints: Producing physical copies of an album and finding the retailers to sell the album
- Marketing: Raising audience awareness and anticipation for the albums release
- Distributors are often parts of the same company as the production company
- Have a long term arrangement with a production company
- Acquire a record after it has completed production
- Albums may have different distributors for releases in different countries but also for different methods of distribution such as iTunes

- Home: The distributor is paid by the company who is selling the product
- iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, YouTube. Limewire, Torrents
- An album is often exhibited through non-profitable means
- This is how the audience are driven to buy the product e.g Radio, YouTube, Music Videos

Exhibition to Exchange:
- What was previously known as exhibition is now known as exchange due to the many different ways in which the music has been made available. there is no real exhibition of the music anymore as although it is present in some retailers such as HMV online services such as Spotify take away any physical evidence of the music in the same way that iTunes do. In this new system you are now exchanging money over the internet in exchange for no physical product meaning that throughout the entire exchange you neither give away or receive any physical money or products.

Categorization of Cards:

- CD Manufacturer
- Audience Research
- Producer/Writer
- Studio
- Music Video Director

Distribution and Marketing:
- Web Distributor
- Music Magazine
- Retailer
- Merchandising
- Distribution Company (Logistics)

- Music TV Channel
- Venue
- A&R
- Radio Station
- Artist Website

How has the industry responded to combat online music piracy?
- To combat online music piracy the industry has to charge higher prices for merchandise, concerts and the albums themselves. Attracting a live audience is the only way that they are guaranteed money anymore because whether or not the individual chooses to download this artists music illegally or to pay for it when seeing the act live they must pay for a ticket. Piracy is a tough problem for the industry to face as to combat it prices must be hiked upwards but as the media gets more expensive more people will turn to piracy to save themselves money this makes it a vicious circle with which no proper solution can be resolved without the stopping of piracy.